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Geeks on a Plane: Tour Tokyo, Beijing, Shanghai

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Do you want to join Geeks on a Plane on a trip to Tokyo, Beijing, and Shanghai to see for yourself the technology and innovation trends coming out of East Asia?

Geeks on a Plane

geeks on plane

Web2Asia, The Founders Fund, and Dave McClure are inviting international investors and tech entrepreneurs on a 10-day orientation tour of Tokyo, Beijing, and Shanghai’s Internet, Mobile & Gaming sector. The aim is to

  • Gain insight into tech & innovation trends coming out of East Asia.
  • Meet the startup & tech community in Tokyo, Beijing & Shanghai.
  • Understand the current investment climate in each respective city.
  • Participate in a pro-entrepreneur and pro-investment initiative during a tough global economy.

This is your chance to meet with some of the biggest Internet companies in East Asia as well as the hottest startups. They are also inviting local entrepreneurs, internet companies, and tech geeks in the respective cities to meet them

Geeks on a Plane Tour will take place from June 8-16, 2009 (Tokyo, June 8-10 | Beijing, June 11-12 | Shanghai, June 13-16). Register now, and grab a 3-city access ticket for $2900 (Expect to add $2,500 to $3,900 for flight & accommodations of 8-10 nights!)