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Best Creative Image Search Engines

  • Tips

Image searching process is usually done by seeking the Meta data the image holds – this is how Google, Yahoo! and other search engines work. However, there are quite a number of search engines that use creativity to search for images – from the pioneering Reverse Image Search engine called to visualKartooengine, the most comprehensive search engine that uses Meta data in a number of ways to deliver comprehensive search results.

While most of them are in the budding stage, and some do not have much use other than being a very pretty experiment (such as the very impressive Multicolr Search Labs engine) they are a very good indication of where search engines will go from now onwards in this ever growing technology world.

Here are some of the best creative search engines which can be an addition to the other image search engines previously written at QOT. Hope you will find them useful.

1. Tineye Image Search

The first reverse image search engine on the web, TinEye makes  possible the process of finding images that are exact “fingerprint” matches to one image that you input.

tineye reverse search

Using TinEyeyou can search for a higher resolution version of your image, for example, but also to see which places your image is being used – whether in its original or photoshopped or cropped form, and if it is being used illegally.

Undoubtedly, this is one of the most fascinating image search engines in vogue now and best of all it is completely free.

2. Multicolr Search Lab

This offering again from Idée is another beautiful concept of searching through Flickr’s “most interesting” database with the input of only colours.

multicolor flickr search

Specific colours chosen by the user give the results using the innovative visual similarity technology invented by Idée. Just try Multicolor Search Lab and be astounded by the results!

3. SearchMe: Images

Not only has the market grown for various innovative search engines, it has also become a breeding ground for a host of new search engines that use Meta data to process images and present them in a completely new format.

searchme search

SearchMepresents the images like Apple’s CoverFlow technology. Not only does it look pleasing, but the user can create stacks of images for his or her convenience and search among these stacks of related images as well!

4. KartOO Search Engine

Though it has a funny name – Kartoo, the “first interface mapping Metasearch engine” is not to be messed with – it compiles all types of information available for the input – text, news, images and other media and presents it in one clean and neat page that you can easily scroll through for additional material with easy accessibility.

kartoo image search

The default interface sports a tidy columnar look with sponsored websites and images and news items.The mapping facility allows you to see what word connects these websites when it comes to the same content – i.e. which keyword is most prominent when compared to your inputted keyword – fabulous way to search for related text and/or content between websites.

Guest author Sidharth aka Rockstar Sid writes about Internet technology, tips & tricks at For more, you can subscribe to his feed. You can also write a guest article and share your favorite web tools.