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Get Linux-Branded Visa Platinum Credit Card

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Now Linux fans can show off their Linux branded Platinum Credit Cards and express their support for the Linux Foundation. The Linux Foundation is partnering with CardPartner, Inc. to offer the affinity Linux credit card through UMB Bank.

linux credit card

So what is special about this credit card? The Linux Foundation will receive $50 for every activated card as well as a percentage of every purchase made with the credit card. All funds from the Visa card program will go directly towards providing community technical events and travel grants for open source community members in order to accelerate Linux innovation.

What are other features of this credit card?

  • No annual fee and 0% APR on purchases and balance transfers for the first six months
  • Purchase protection and Zero liability protection for unauthorized purchases
  • Emergency cash and card replacement, Lost luggage replacement, Lost/stolen card reporting service and 24-hour roadside assistance

Linux fans can apply now and support the The Linux Foundation, the nonprofit organization dedicated to accelerating the growth of Linux. Show off Tux and let the world know you support Linux and keep the open source movement going.