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Top 7 Firefox Add-ons to Secure Web Browsing

Have you secured your web browsing? Mozilla’s Firefox has grown fast and furiously in popularity among many frequent internet users and bloggers.  Now one of the most favored web browsers and known for its workability, reliability, and easy customization, many users are switching over from older internet browsers like Internet Explorer to Firefox; but like any Internet Browser, it is important for Firefox to be kept secure at all times and protected from viruses and malicious spyware. Many times the download that you start with will just include basic security and features, and will not be configured to be as secure as possible.

Browser Security Matters

If you do not secure your Internet browser, it could lead to a number of problems with your computer system within the blink of an eye. Even worse than spyware, without the proper protection, you could end up leaking all sorts of personal information that others could use against you to steal your identity or harm and manipulate your computer system.

The threat of attack from malicious software on computer systems all around the globe are continuing to increase on a seemingly daily basis. The problem increases when users click mindlessly on links with which they are not familiar or visit websites that are disguised as popular places you may want to visit on the web. Because of this, more and more criminals are exploiting Internet browser vulnerabilities and compromising computer systems all over the world.

Firefox Offers Secure Browsing Solutions

The Mozilla Firefox Internet browser supports a number of features that can help you keep up your guard against those who may wish to harm your computer or worse. Firefox supports a number of security policies that are easy to configure. In addition, you can increase the security of your Mozilla Firefox browser with a number of add-ons that are available to provide you with the safest Internet browsing every time.

Safe Internet browsing is a major concern, especially with the number of people who are now logging on to the Internet to buy and sell items, take care of their banking needs, socialize with their friends and colleagues, promote their business and even earn a college degree. With all of that valuable information swimming around on your computer system, it is important to arm yourself with the right protection.

7 Firefox Addons for Secure Browsing

While Mozilla Firefox offers many add-ons and security features, there are few select choices you should know about.  Following are some of the best security add-ons for Mozilla Firefox that will help you make sure that your computer and all of your valuable information is kept:

  1. Adblock Plus
    This add-on is the most popular among Firefox users for blocking banners and ads, with almost 800,000 downloads every week.
  2. BetterPrivacy
    This one will protect your system against cookies that cannot be deleted, known as “super-cookies”.
  3. NoScript
    This add-on for Mozilla Firefox Internet browser is believed by many to be the best when it comes to keeping your computer safe from a number of different attacks.
  4. WOT
    WOT, or Web Of Trust, is a great add-on that will warn you anytime a website is out to rip you off, infect your computer or bombard you with spam.
  5. Stealther
    This is the best add-on for surfing on the Internet without leaving footprints of everywhere you have been by disabling browser history, cookies, disk catche, file history, forms info and more.
  6. Roboform Toolbar
    This one provides the user with a great way to manage and secure passwords.
  7. KeyScrambler Personal
    This add-on works to encrypt all of your keystrokes in order to keep your system safe from keyloggers.

Many people are coming to appreciate all that Firefox has to offer.  With these easy add-ons, you can be assured that your browsing is safe as well as productive.

Guest author Mary Ward writes about various legal career topics, including how to obtain a court reporting degree. You can also write a guest article and share your favorite tools.