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5 Tips To Get Your Links Retweeted Like Crazy!

love-twitterHow can your links get retweeted like crazy and get free twitter traffic? You read about how Twitter is the next big thing on the internet. Blog gurus rave about how their websites were choked with traffic as their blog articles got retweeted.

So you spend a few months on Twitter building a huge followership. Finally, you realize that nothing that you post on Twitter gets your followers interested. Where did things go wrong?

Here are five tips to help your blog articles get more traffic from Twitter through retweets

1. Install the retweet button

A lot of people realize the importance of an article when they read it. But most people need to be told about the importance of an article before they realize its significance. When your articles are engaging enough, your blog visitors tend to form an opinion for or against what you have written.

tweet optionsEither way is fine, but ensure you instigate their thoughts to make an opinion. Such a visitor shall surely be looking to put his point of view forward to his group, and the retweet button reminds him to do just that – retweet your link.

2. Cater to the Twitterati Ego

Let us suppose you write an article on “Most beautiful cities in the world”. No matter how much time you spent in researching your subject, all that the reader wants to know is whether his city has made it to the list or not.

A tweet on this post mentioning the title of this post with a link to your blog might get you casual visits, but then that is not enough to make them hungry to retweet.

To do that, soothe or hurt their ego. A tweet that reads ‘Detroit better than New York in beautiful city list’ is sure to make both Detroit and New Yorkers read your blog and either praise or curse you while retweeting. And people from other cities are always going to visit you to see where their city stands!

3. Find the maven

While growing your followership is important, the quality of your followership is important too.

There are the ‘absorbant‘ kinds – those who read all your tweets but don’t care to share them with others and the ‘dispersant‘ kinds – those who retweet anything mildly interesting.

Study the behavior of twitterers, and follow them. Retweet interesting links they have posted (Why? Read Point 2). Reply to their tweets with your opinion or suggesting better reads. They are sure to follow you. They matter a LOT!

4. Tweet Direct message with link

If you blog about “pets”, keep following all that people tweet about “pets”. You can do so by simply following the Twitter search RSS feed for that particular keyword on your RSS reader.

Study the kind of things people tweet about. A lot of them could be people tweeting queries on the subject. Check back on your blog to see if you have written about those queries. If not, write down a quick post and reply to the twitterer with this link.

Do this to a few people a day and you will have people following your blog posts blindly and retweeting every article you post.

5. Put it in perspective

Statistics are great. People like them a lot. But you need to put your statistics in perspective to get them ‘retweet’ interested. “20000 people infected with COVID” is a good article to tweet about. But what does the reader want to know? 20000 people – Is it too many people or less?

But suppose you tweet ‘COVID has affected 50% more people than SARS’- now this is something that will set the reader thinking. He is definitely going to retweet to alert his followers on the danger posed by this new flu!

Guest blogger Anand Srinivasan writes an interesting blog on Internet statistics, tips and news at You can also write a guest article and share your expert tips.