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How to Knockout Wikipedia in Search Results

How can you overtake Wikipedia in Search Results? I run into this problem quite often. I first encountered this problem around 6 months ago while working on a client’s website. It took quite some time for me to figure out how to fix this problem. But I could finally do it and enter into the top 10 results within 6 days. Let us peep into this fairly popular problem and solution to it.

The problem is that often you find a Wikipedia page ranked right above your web page in search results. You want to beat this Wikipedia page and continue moving up, but this seems unbeatable. But, not exactly. There is a solution.

wikipedia search

Beat Wikipedia in Search Results

Wikipedia page seems unbeatable because of the domain authority of Even though there is nothing we can do about the domain authority, we need to understand the factors helping the wiki page rank higher.

  1. Inner linking amongst other Wikipedia entries boosting the page’s value.
  2. Inbound links from important blogs, forums, and other resources.

Well, now that you understand why it is there right up your page, let us now find out the steps to be implemented to beat the wiki page.

  1. Using any backlink analysis tool, for eg: Ahrefs backlink tool, find out all the pages linked to the Wikipedia entry.
  2. Go to each Wikipedia listing and remove all irrelevant references to the subject matter. For example, if the wiki page is about “dog food” but the reference article is about an irrelevant subject containing few words of “dog food”-  Delete only the references that are absolutely nothing to do with the wiki article or those that are not in exact context with the wiki article. Try to limit the number of deletions to about three a day. You, however, need to provide valid reasons for the deleted reference.
  3. From backlinks found for the Wikipedia entry, separate blogs, and forums links, go to these sites and drop a link to your site from as many as you can.
  4. If there are pages positioned above Wikipedia, repeat the above steps to find out pages linked to these sites and get a backlink from these sites.

This article is written by guest author Indu Priya, an online marketer from  As an Internet marketer and SEO consultant, Indu helps small business owners in solving their business challenges, marketing their products or services. You can also write a guest article and share your expert tips.