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6 Twitter Apps for Marketing Your Business

Using Twitter as a marketing tool for business is something still in the nascent stage on the Internet marketing frontier. The following web tools may be helpful in organizing your marketing campaign on the internet and help use twitter as a marketing enhancement tool.

twitter-bird1. Twellow is often looked up as the yellow page directory of Twitter. Twellow is a directory consisting of public Twitter accounts, with thousands of categories and search options to assist you to find people who matter to you and make use of twitter as a marketing tool. Twellow allows you to organize your twitter followers list by offering a public profile which contains a sample tweet, total number of followers, and brief information.  Registering will allow you to update your Twellow profile and categories, add links to your other social media profiles, create an extended bio with whatever information and links you would like to add, and simply follow other Twitter users right away!

2. Tweet Later is an auto-responder for Twitter. It is a free service that allows one to set up their tweets in advance. These tweets may contain a link to your website or landing page. A thank you reply to your new followers is a great way of retaining readership of your tweets. Tweet later is a multi function application that makes great use of twitter as a marketing plan.

3. Twitbeep is a tool used mainly by bloggers. It is a free to use service that sends out alerts whenever your preset keywords are used in Tweets. It’s like Google Alerts for Twitter, but if used properly can make twitter as a marketing tool .You can also Keep track of conversations that mention you, your products, your company, anything, with hourly updates

4. Twitthis service is similar to StumbleUpon where you can use it to enable your followers to send a link to your webpage with a description to all of their followers.

5. TwitPwr is a service similar to tinyurl. This free tool makes shortened URLs which are more friendly with twitter tweets. This service also offers to track and rank all twitter accounts.

6. Tweetlevel is a free tool that assesses the importance of a user on twitter, how trusted they are as well as the influence they have upon their followers. The tool gives points to users in four categories – how many people listen to what you say; how many people follow you; how actively you participate and whether people believe you. This tool will help you measure the effectiveness of your twitter marketing campaign.

The marketing potential of twitter is endless. It can serve as a gold mine for online marketers. Most twitter users are potential customers who are relatively young, upwardly mobile, tech savvy people with enough money to spend. Using twitter as a marketing strategy is a great idea to quickly spread the word about your business. This is instant marketing to a receptive audience who will provide your business with quick feedback about your product.

This guest article was written by Sourish Nath, a Computer Science graduate, who writes in his blog about latest tech news, social media and cyber security. You can also write a guest article and share your favorite tools.