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Download Google Chrome for Mac Computers

Its finally here! Now Mac users can download the Google Chrome Mac for Apple computers and test drive the new fast and speedy version of the popular Google browser on Mac OS X.

The main features were as expected – Fast start-up, Fast loading and Fast search. In fact Google introduces it saying that “we’ve focused on uniting our clean, simple design with subtle animations and effects to create a snappy and satisfying browsing experience on OS X. As you might expect, the speed of Google Chrome for Mac is something we’re very proud of. If you have a Mac, try installing the beta and see how fast it launches — there’s hardly even time for the icon in the dock to bounce!”

Download Chrome for Mac

The Google Mac Blog says that they have added cool features such as the Omnibox (where you can both search and type in addresses), themes from artists, and speed. However, this first beta release for Mac does not yet incorporate extensions, bookmark sync, bookmark manager, and cookie manager.

Download Google Chrome for Mac. For Mac OS X 10.5 or later, Intel only. Remember its a beta software release.

This video will give you all the insights of the new features: