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Buy Picasa Storage, Get Free Eye-Fi Wireless Memory Card!

Google has launched an irresistible deal – buy 200 GB Picasa Web Albums storage and Google gifts you a free Eye-Fi Wireless memory card! So while you pay $50 for 200 GB Picasa storage, you get a 95$ free 4GB Eye-Fi card!


So what are Eye-Fi cards? They look just like normal camera memory storage cards, but Eye-Fi wireless memory cards can send photos & videos directly from your camera to your computer and favorite sharing website, like Picasa, Youtube, Flickr, MobileMe and more. Now this amazing deal will make your camera wireless and also automatically upload photos to Picasa Web Albums. Remember the Eye-Fi card requires a SDHC compatible camera and a Wi-Fi router. See if your camera will work with Eye-Fi cards.

Google says this limited time offer is till supplies last, has no refunds or returns and is valid only in US and Canada, only for users buying paid storage for the first time with a limit of 5 per household. The Eye-Fi cards will be shipped free in 2-4 weeks. So you don’t need 200GB? Next year renew for a smaller storage plan or choose not to renew.

Also note that the 4GB SDHC Eye-Fi Home video card ($69.99 value) includes one free year of Web Share and Geotagging ($24.98 value) and Google promises these services will remain free if Eye-Fi card is used to upload to Picasa Web Albums. Also I checked that the Google storage is shared between Gmail and Picasa Web Albums, so you get extra space in both services, in addition to your current free quota. Buy Picasa storage now.

You can compare the 4 types of Eye-Fi Cards are available in the market – Home, Share Video, Explore Video, and Pro. You can also Buy Eye-Fi Pro 4 GB Wi-Fi SDHC Flash Memory Cards and other Eye-Fi cards from Amazon directly and get free Super Saver Shipping.