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Google Sent Us Happy Holidays Wishes

We recieved an email from Google today titled Happy Holidays from Google and as we excitedly opened the email expecting a surprise Christmas gift, and here is what the message read.

As we near the end of the year, we wanted to take a moment to thank you for the time, energy, commitment, and trust you’ve shared with us in 2009. With sharing in mind, this year we’ve decided to do something a little different. We hope you’ll find it fits the spirit of the holiday season. We’re looking forward to working with you to build lasting success in 2010.

Happy Holidays,
Your Google Team

Well if you follow that link, it lead you to this rotating globe and message

This gift is for someone special: Everyone. Because charities are experiencing their toughest year in decades, we have commited $20 million to helping those who help us all. Our gift to you is a gift to them.

I assume it was sent out to all Google Adsense or Adwords users, and its great Google donated $20 million and continues to be actively involved in charity work. I wonder if they will be sending out Christmas gifts which they sometimes send out in previous years  like USB Memory cards, Digital photo frames, flip camcorder, Google fridgewireless mouse kits or lava lamps.