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Astronauts Get Internet Access: First Live Tweet from Space

In far reaching developments, NASA astronauts now have personal internet web access and are tweeting from space. So you might want to follow NASA on Twitter and get space updates  now.

NASA confirmed that astronauts aboard the International Space Station have received personal access to the Internet.

This personal Web access, called the Crew Support LAN, takes advantage of existing communication links to and from the station and gives astronauts the ability to browse and use the Web. The system will provide astronauts with direct private communications to enhance their quality of life during long-duration missions by helping to ease the isolation associated with life in a closed environment.

Expedition 22 Flight Engineer T.J. Creamer tweeted his first unassisted update to his Twitter account, @Astro_TJ, from the space station. Previously tweets from space had to be e-mailed to the ground where support personnel posted them to the astronaut’s Twitter account. Here is the first live tweet from space.

twitter from space

Remember Anousheh Ansari was the first person ever to Blog From Space. Now you can follow Twitter updates from Creamer and two of his crewmates, ISS Commander Jeff Williams and Soichi Noguchi at @NASA_Astronauts.