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Java: The Future of Software Development

  • Tips

Java is a powerful programming language developed by Sun Microsystems. This is one language that has a perfect balance between the software, mobile and the web world. Developing applications has always been the strength of this programming language.

Read further to understand why Java is considered to be as the future of software development.

1. Java is portable

Java is platform independent. Hence the program can be executed on all computers. Not only in the software world, but Java is also portable when it comes to mobile phones. Most of the mobile phones these days come with built-in Java applications. Java is an extremely successful language even in the internet world when it comes to developing web applications.

2. Programming in Java is effective

Java is designed in such a way where common errors are highlighted for the programmer’s notification. Since it comes with a brilliant set of APIs, it makes the work of the programmer much easier. This definitely reduces the development time and also reduces stress on testing processes.

3. Java is Dynamic

Programs written using Java automatically load classes that are required to run an application. There are various tools that can be incorporated with Java for better results. There are also a wide number of frameworks that can be used when building a java based application. These features make Java dynamic.

4. Java and the internet world

Programmers worldwide prefer Java to design highly interactive web applications. Web design also has seen great success when Java is implemented. The web applications run at a faster speed saving time and cost to any company.

5. Java is highly secure

Java, like other programming languages, does have a few bugs but that can be overlooked at. Since Java is platform independent, the executing speed might be a little slow but the usage of better processors soles this issue. The security that Java offers can be completely reliable. Maintenance and security are unique aspects why people feel Java can be the future of software development.

The major companies hire Java programmers due the above mentioned reasons. Software outsourcing being the talk of the town, a business becomes very successful following this method. A developer for hire is the only way to go to run a trouble free business model.

Guest author Cyril Britto, is a writer and an internet marketing expert from, a Toronto web design Company that offers a wide array of services ranging from PHP web development to offshore software development and more. You can also write guest posts and share your software development tips.