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New Digg v4.0 Gets More Social for Good [Video]

The new upcoming Digg version 4.0 promises to get more social integration and change the way stories are promoted to the Digg homepage, becoming more like other social link sharing services, but now your story may actually hit your Digg front page.

See the sneak preview video of the new Digg 4.

Your new Digg homepage is called MyNewsand will show links from people and publishers you follow. Import your social graphs from Facebook, Twitter and then if a user diggs a story, all followers of that user will then see it in their feed, and this viral chain reaction can drive huge Digg traffic. So Top Diggers will have lesser control in getting your story on the Digg home page.

Now you don’t get banned, spammed and frowned upon by submitting all your stories to Digg and cheating Digg get tougher everytime. Just like Twitter, Buzz and Facebook pages, you can now auto-publish all your new articles via RSS feeds to Digg, removing the need to submit to Digg, so actually all stories will start with 1 Digg. Even if someone wants to add your link to Digg, it is much simpler than before – Add URL and Digg will autogenerate an image, title and summary!

You hardly see any Digg buttons on websites and blogs, being replaced by retweet and facebook like buttons. While we could expect a good article to hit Digg front page a few years back, now it is nearly impossible to hit the Digg homepage and we have not been on Digg for the last few years. I really hope this makes Digg better.
