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All You Need To Know About Article Marketing

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Do you know everything about Article Marketing? The articles you have written on your blog are waiting to be mined for traffic. You can make the most of it by sending them to the best and the highest ranked article directories. Article directories can generate a lot of traffic for you if you do it right and especially if you send the right articles.

1. Post The Article On Your Blog First

The first thing you want to do before you submit the article is to make it a post on your blog or website. Verify the conditions or terms of publishing the article on their directory. Some directories do not mind, if you have already posted the article on your blog.

Don’t get me wrong, article submission is different from guest posting. Most blogs that accept guest posting  maintain that your post be published only on their site, but you can link to the post on your blog. Just verify and take maximum advantage of multiple publications.

The advantage of publishing on your blog first is that Google can recognize you are the source and the origin of the article, in that way your article will show up on search results giving you maximum exposure. Search on credible  article directories will also land you some traffic too.

2. Link Back to Your Blog/Site

Do not forget to link back to your blog when submitting your article to article directories. That is the bait for the traffic you are expecting. A link back could  be your blog URL  or a link to your personal blog if you are building a brand or credibility in your choosing niche.

3. Take Signatures Seriously

Article signatures tells a lot about you or your blog. You should never publish an article without signing off properly. Signatures speak a lot about who are and what you are noted for, the niche you blog about, your expertise, what you are noted for online or a description about your blog or yourself if the  focus or goal is to sell yourself.

A typical example of an  article signature  is the statement just after the end of this article or post. The link back is mostly found in the article signature.

4. Submit to Only Highly Ranked Directories

There are so many article directories you can send your post to, but I will encourage you to submit to directories with a minimum PageRank of three out of ten (3/10). The higher the page rank of the directory the greater the exposure of your article. Your article will have the potential of being seen by many eyeballs than a one out of ten.

At least concentrate on the higher ranked first. You will save yourself the time and effort. You can install Google toolbar add-on for your browser to check the page rank of the directory. Of course there are so many other tools you can use as well.

5. Choose The Best Meta Tags or Keywords

Article categories are handled by the directories. You have a couple of them to choose from. But when it comes to keywords or meta tags you  have write them yourself. Type as many as you can, but of  course choose them carefully , they contribute a lot when readers are searching for particular articles in different categories.

6. Monitor for Feedback

A single article submission may not do the trick, and you will have to constantly send your hit articles to directories. Because this takes time and effort, monitor the traffic coming in from these directories and focus on the once that are bringing in the most traffic.

Most of the top directories keep records of the page views, visits, or hits on each of the articles you they approve and publish when you send them. Watch them closely and submit your posts to the once that are bringing the most traffic.


Guest author Thomas Oppong’s blog provides internet tips, blogging resources, google hacks, twitter hacks, WordPress howtos, and tools for internet publishers and users. Image credits to Faungg released under CC. You can also do guest blogging and share your article marketing tips.