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6 Secrets to Make Money with Sponsored Tweets

Do you make money with Sponsored Tweets? A lot of us have an account at Sponsored Tweets, yet we are not making money as much as we should. Sure you may receive a few offers that pay $0.02 but how do we fully utilize Sponsored Tweets.


1. Who are you?

Advertisers need to know who you are. Don’t even sign up to Sponsored Tweets if your account is brand new. Only after you have an established Twitter account will advertisers opt for a paid tweet. It’s also the rule of sponsored tweets. Your account needs to be at least 60 days old and you need to have made more than 100 tweets. I suggest you should rather double those figures before applying.

You also need to have a fully complete Twitter profile. Make sure that all your information is there and that it’s correct. Fill out everything you can in your profile. Get a nice custom avatar and a custom background.

2. Get a Good Follower to Friend Ratio

Your advertiser profile contains a bunch of information about you for advertisers. They are presented with your price, followers, friends, ratio and age.

Your follower to friend ratio is calculated quite easily. You take your followers and divide it by your friends. If you got 1000 followers and 100 friends you will get a ratio of 10. This is important for advertisers because if you’ve got a high Ratio it may mean that others follow you because they like what you’re saying and what you are up to. Not because you use auto follow applications where you automatically follow them back.

3. Have Targeted Followers

Don’t use your personal Twitter account. Rather create a separate and dedicated Twitter account for your site. People don’t want to constantly hear about your site if that’s not the reason they followed you. By creating a separate Twitter account for your site you get more targeted followers which is always a good think.

Many people think Twitter is a numbers game – You could easily have 1000 high quality followers who endorse your tweets rather than 10000 followers who constantly spam and self promote. Would you take such people seriously?

I am not saying that you should keep your numbers small; all I’m saying is that you need to have a lot of high quality followers along with the rest.

5. Become a Star

Sponsored Tweets Celebrity status is where advertisers look for highlights. Sponsored Tweets lists all the celebrities first, giving them much, much more exposure.

You can apply for celebrity status by filling out a form but you have to be quite popular. You need influence to get this status. Not a lot of bloggers will be able to get this, but if you think you’ve got what it takes then you may try signing up for celebrity status.

6. Tick Tock

ClickWatch provided advertisers some protection by sending out another Sponsored Tweets if your tweet does not make at least $1.50 USD. The system evaluates your tweet again and may send out another one if required.  You can see how this helps Advertisers. Just go to your Sponsored Tweets options panel and go turn on your ClickWatch.

7. Get a Klout Account Immediately

Get yourself a Klout account. Your Klout score measures the size and strength of your influence on Twitter. There are various calculations that take place to measure your influence circle. It goes without saying that advertisers look at your Klout score to gauge your popularity. Sign up for a Klout account now as your score is currently 0 without it. Advertisers also look at this to gauge whether your audience will act on your Tweets.

Guest author Stefan Jacholke writes for his Computer Tips and Tricks blog at Techno Flux ( – which is where you want to be if you want to get the most out your PC.