Reddit Gold members program was launched a week back to generate some cash to hire engineers, but the rising popularity and numbers of the Reddit Gold program has converted what started as a donation based support to a good business model for Reddit.
Reddit Gold Members Benefit
Reddit Gold members got some more cool features –
- First the Gold member trophy got a makeover, to show off on your page
- Go Ad free – with an option to turn off Reddit sidebar ads and /or sponsored links
- Friends with Benefits – now you can add notes to your friends, to remember why you friend-ed them, and how long you have been friends.
- Sort your userpage – in various categories just like the Reddit homepage – hot, new, top, controversial, or filter down to just the past hour, week, etc
- Bonus deal – both charter members and anyone who signs up this week will get to retain the reddit gold award in your trophy case forever and get a lifetime pass to any secret members-only clubhouse (that may or may not exist!).
Reddit Gold Membership Fee
But the Gold membership Fee has come into place instead of ‘donate whatever you like’ …. Now Gold members need to pay $3.99 / month or grab a yearly subscription for $29.99 (comes to $2.49 / month).
Free Reddit Gold Account
Surprisingly what has not yet changed on the Reddit Gold page is “we’ll also give a month of reddit gold to anyone who takes the time to send us a postcard.” Either they have forgot to delete the previous offer, otherwise that is a best way to get a Free Reddit Gold account and save some money.
Are any QOT readers Reddit Gold members? Post your userpage in comments below.