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TweetMeme Pro Retweet Buttons Starting $1000/yr

If your blog uses Tweetmeme retweet buttons, you can now upgrade to TweetMeme Pro Retweet Buttons starting at $1000 per year and get a long list of features you always wanted.

TweetMeme Pro Benefits

So what are the cool features in Tweetmeme Pro?

  • Up to 10 UTM tracking codes within the button
  • Customisation on the design of the button
  • Customisation on the design of the pop-up box
  • Dedicated servers to ensure high reliability and performance

This includes some cool features already in the standard button

  • The best user + publisher Retweet experience
  • 100% accurate Retweet counts
  • URL Shortener Support (including Pro)
  • Web, RSS, Email and Mobile support
  • Support for HashTags + Whitespace
  • International language support

TweetMeme Pro Pricing

Tweetmeme Pro has 3 types of pricing dependent on the number of buttons your site displays per day (= page views x buttons per page).

  1. Basic – $1000 per year / Up to 500,000 buttons served per day
  2. Pro – $2000 per year / Up to 2,000,000 buttons served per day
  3. Enterprise – $5000 per year / Unlimited buttons served per day

The pricing is really steep. We also run 2 Tweetmeme buttons per page and 1 button on our feed. If we opt for the Tweetmeme pro, based on our traffic stats, then we would have to pay $1000 per year, which comes to just under $100 per month.

Tweetmeme claims to serve 700M buttons per day on around 250,000 sites; and are already serving 80 million Pro buttons daily on superbig sites. I think the free Tweetmeme retweet buttons works just fine for us. I hope they don’t ruin the service to prompt people to upgrade….