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2 Weeks with Wibiya Toolbar [Review]

We have been experimenting  with Wibiya Toolbar for the last 2 weeks and now review and share with you the social benefits we gained from it use. Wibiya Toolbar is getting popular on several blogs, so we decided to use it too. Just look at the bottom of this page.

Wibiya Toolbar Statistics

Here are what the last 2 weeks statistics look like

wibiya toolbar results

Wibiya offers you have a wide variety of popular apps to choose from, and they are an easy 1-click install or 1-click  remove from your toolbar. Once the single line javascript code is live, the data starts to go live. You can see above which popular applications we used in our Wibiya Toolbar for social sharing, to increase pageviews and reduce bounce rate.

You will see that it seems like there has been an incredible boost in social sharing of our articles. But lets look closer in the drop down detailed statistics of the Smart Share app. This is a useful feature and helps you understand how your visitors actually interacted with the toolbar.

wibiya  toolbar sharign data

If you notice, though it shows 3864 shares, a detail look reveals a lower, yet significant increase in sharing activity on our site. A large reason for this I believe is because it causes some cool sharing options to appear on your post images. When visitors hover over your images, a cool “Click here to share” image superimposes and is notably attention grabbing and click worthy. You can try them live on this page right now.

wibiya  toolbar image share

I think the Smart Share app also works best especially because it causes this huge pop up box to appear which darkens out the rest of the page making the user concentrate only on the sharing actions.

wibiya pop up share screen

However, not all apps work great. If you look at the performance of the Facebook fan page app, Out of 210 clicks, only 3 people actually posted something.

wibiya  toolbar facebook share

So basically you can experiment with different useful apps, various striking toolbar colors and formats and see what works for your site.  There are some really cool apps like Real time users, Live notifcations, itranslate, etc. Social interaction definitely increases, and  you can adjust the settings so that the toolbar loads last after your entire page is loaded.

My only concern is that multiple apps will cause an significant increase in page load times, so choose wisely what works for you. Though I dislike toolbars and pop ups in general, I love the Wibiya toolbar and its definitely worth a try.