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Auto-Submit All Your Blog Articles to Digg

The new Digg is live and you can now import feeds, letting you autosubmit all your blog articles to Digg in a few clicks. This is the best feature that the New Digg has to offer bloggers.

While several years ago Digg would have frowned and banned bloggers submitting all their blog posts, social media and networking has changed all this. As the new Digg rises to meet the new challenges with much better social integration, followers and My News – Bloggers will be happy to note, they no longer need to submit their articles everytime.

Go to Settings > Import Feeds. Enter the URL of your blog RSS feed to auto-submit your content. You need to verify that you are the owner by pasting a special code in your latest article once, which they can verify instantly.

autosubmit Digg content

So now all our articles are being autosubmitted to Digg and they appear in our follower news, ready to be Dugg. Even if you are not active on Digg, it is a good idea to join the new Digg and autosubmit your content –  good for traffic, SEO, exposure and all that…

Update: Digg has now disabled this feature.