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Blog Day 2010 Today

Today is August 31, its Blog Day 2010! The blogosphere is discovering new, unknown Blogs, and celebrating the discovery of new people and new bloggers.

BlogDay 2010

“BlogDay was created with the belief that bloggers should have one day dedicated to getting to know other bloggers from other countries and areas of interest. On that day Bloggers will recommend other blogs to their blog visitors. With the goal in mind, on this day every blogger will post a recommendation of 5 new blogs. This way, all blog readers will find themselves leaping around and discovering”

How to participate in BlogDay 2010? Find 5 new interesting blogs, notify the 5 bloggers that you are recommending them on BlogDay 2010, write a short description and link to the blogs in a special blog day post and you are done. Let you readers hop and find the new blogs.