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How to Get 250MB Free Dropbox Upgrade Without Referrals

  • Tips

Need a cool free 250MB upgrade to your Dropbox storage space? Dropbox is undoubtedly the best way to collaborate, share and update files across multiple computers.

Download Dropbox

Dropbox gives you free 2GB space which you can use to sync across multiple computers via downloadable folder. This video better explains how Dropbox can change the way you work and sync data on multiple computers. It changed our working style for sure.

Free Dropbox Upgrade without Referrals

So how do you get free 250MB Dropbox space? Of course for every friend whom you invite to join Dropbox, they give you both 250 MB of bonus space up to a 8 GB limit. But here is the other way …

Free Dropbox Upgrade

Look out for the ‘Get Started’ tab on your Dropbox account. Perform 5 of the 6 suggested actions like

  1. Take the Dropbox tour
  2. Install Dropbox on your computer
  3. Put files in your Dropbox folder
  4. Install Dropbox on other computers you use
  5. Share a folder with friends or colleagues
  6. Invite some friends to join Dropbox

All simple enough and once done you can grab 250MB of Dropbox space free. Download Dropbox today.