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How to Add Footer Animated Flyout Like NYTimes

Do you like our Animated Footer flyout link (like the NYTimes) that appears bottom right of all our posts with the next link as you scroll down our single post pages. Its jquery magic at its best, that you can also add to your WordPress blog easily.

I first spotted it on the New York Times websites and it popped in the bottom right corner just as I finished reading the article and really made me click the suggested article, and ensured I spent more pageviews and time on the site. Here is a video of what it looks like

The secret to this animated flyout link on our site is the amazing upPrev WordPress plugin, by Jason Pelker and Grzegorz Krzyminski. It will suggest the next link and also provide clickable links to the article categories. If you don’t like the look, the try this CSS to get a better look.

After installation, you can even customize the flyout and decide at how much page scroll you want it to pop in to get more clicks.

upPrev animated flyout link

Just like New York Times, add it to your site and increase pageviews.