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Youtube Instant: Fastest Way to Watch Youtube Videos

How fast can you find and watch Youtube Videos. Well Youtube Instant promises to be the fastest way you can view Youtube videos as soon as you type the keywords.

youtube instant videos

Youtube Instant is the creation of Feross Aboukhadijeh, a computer science student at Stanford University, who bet with his roommate (after the launch of Google Instant) and built a real-time YouTube search in 3 hours!

Such was the buzz that YouTube CEO Chad Hurley asked offered Feross a job …over Twitter! Either way, Youtube Instant is now viral and Ferros is the latest web celebrity.

Since it is powered by the Youtube API and Youtube suggestions, you don’t have any interaction with the Youtube video like pause, forward, embed etc, – buy you can click the Youtube button and go directly to the Youtube  page of the video. Works in a jiffy –  a perfect time waster. Definitely the fastest way to watch Youtube videos.

Maybe he will land up with a Google job or pick up some paid Youtube projects.