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Meet Our OneTrueFan

If you like the concept of Foursquare and Gowalla, then OneTrueFan is like check-in for websites. I have been playing the ‘game’ for a week now and really got to get a new insight into site visitors and became a One True Fan of some big websites by simply visiting them.

You can simply log in via Twitter authentication and start using OTF right away. You need to install a Google Chrome extension, which creates a small floating bar at the bottom of webpages, which lets you auto-check into websites. There are a lot of options to disable the bar on some websites, prevent auto-check-in and get extra points by sharing links. Once you visit a site enough times you become a fan, and the maximum number of visits will get you the title of OneTruFan.

Who is the OneTrueFan of QOT? Meet Daniel Rust @dlrust from Seattle, who is the CTO and Co-founder at DevHub / EVO Media Group.

onetrufan bar

Many QOT Players are active on our site and I can spot Andre Arnett, panah, theMediaDude, Marci Rosenblum, and Ryan T Hopkins. Thanks for visiting QOT and sharing our stuff. You can also become a OTF of QOT and get featured in the fans list and players list.

onetrufan players

Check our activity on We have become OTF for many websites.  We have won 3 badges and there are many more waiting to be unlocked. Its fun and be sure to check it out.