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Win Free Logitech Revue with Google TV Devices

Google is giving away 10,000 Free Google TV devices to help developers start building for Google TV. Google TV lets you seamlessly search all of the content on your TV, the web, and apps – then access it with a single click. You can also easily switch between TV and the web without having to change inputs on your television.

Google gave away 3,000 Google TV devices to attendees of the Adobe MAX conference and are reaching out to web developers in the Google Code community to offer them a free device.

If you don’t fit into those 2 groups, submit an entry to the limited-time Google TV promotional giveaway program for web developers for a chance to win a free Logitech Revue with Google TV. Include a short summary about the type of interesting website your company would like to create or optimize for Google TV.

This promotional program is open to U.S.-based companies that either provide web development services for their own consumer-facing websites or are involved primarily in the business of providing web development services for other consumer-focused websites and online businesses. Enter your company for an opportunity to win a free Logitech Revue with Google TV device.

Last date for entries is November 3, 2010. They will  select 2,500 winners from those entries to receive a free Google TV device.