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50 Easy Ways to Promote Your Blog

What are the easy ways to promote your blog? When you start a blog, its just you and your blog. Later you ask your handful of friends to visit your blog for fun, then later on you ask Search engines to visit your blog, and then later on you ask other bloggers to visit and finally you’ve promoted your blog in a way you didn’t exactly planned for.

Promoting is as very important part of blogging just as the content writing. Some professional bloggers keep promoting rather focusing on content. You always scratch your head on how to get people’s attention, that the tricky part of blogging. As we all know “Great wall of China wasn’t built in a day, it took years!“. So will we, but not years though. Here are some solid tips where you can promote your blog in a professional respectable manner.

I’ll split this into 5 main categories and 10 subcategories so that you’ll find it easy to read.

Blog Promotion Basics

  1. Make blogging easier and navigational.
  2. Have good looking and attractive web design, so that people revisit your blog.
  3. Patience is the key.
  4. Self Motivation is required.
  5. Have controversial articles and interesting discussions.
  6. Have positive attitude and don’t frustrate yourself.
  7. Be sure on your context, which belong to your niche.
  8. Do some thing to your blog everyday, and traffic is seen. The more you do, the more you get.
  9. Help out people with blogs similar to your level.
  10. Be consistent and scheduled. Most importantly plan you every move.

Content is King

  1. Write more and more unique posts.
  2. Have more than 150+ resources and articles.
  3. Guide people about something, teach them something new.
  4. After you article is indexed by search engines, submit it to various article directories like
  5. Write about Big shots and their controversy.
  6. Interview big cool bloggers in your niche, and share about their views and ideas.
  7. Look out for popular content that’s gaining traffic, and write about it in a humorous way.
  8. Give a press release about unique news, if you have any.
  9. Pay others to write good articles for you.
  10. Be the first commenter on the posts of popular blogs, but let it be worth.

Viral and Social Networks

  1. Create a Fan page on facebook. Also create a facebook app for your blog.
  2. Customize the landing page of facebook.
  3. Start an open group on Yahoo and invite people or have a widget on your blog.
  4. Buy the accounts of popular YouTubers and then add your blog address to the descriptions of their videos.
  5. Start Stumbleupon promotional ads campaign
  6. Sign up at and use to auto post your latest blog content to a bunch of social networks.
  7. Have a facebook share and retweet button for every other post.
  8. Have a squidoo page, as it will get indexed faster in search engines.
  9. Include hash(#) tags in your tweets.
  10. Twitter – Follow relevant, popular, and interesting people. And some will follow you back.

Bloggers and People

  1. Tell you neighbourhood, family and friends about your blog.
  2. Search for your niche and answer any questions people have.
  3. Submit your content to dofollow social bookmarking sites.
  4. Send out a Press release at PRweb.
  5. Signup for various communities and be active in relevant communities.
  6. Write some content as a linkbait.
  7. If your post is relevant to other blogging sites, then try interlinking posts, so as to get deep inbound links.
  8. Signup for every other social network you can.
  9. Start a podcast and submit it to various podcast directories.
  10. Talk to professional bloggers about your post and ask them to review it.

Viral Marketing

  1. This one’s my favorite, (Funky) Forward a SMS saying “Forward this mssg to atleast 49 people, to get RC of 49 for full TT instantly” with a link of your blog address. And, its viral.
  2. Install All In One SEO Pack for WordPress blogs.
  3. Create a theme, that includes a link to your blog in the footer, and then release it for free.
  4. If you are a developer, create a wordpress plugin and release it for free with a link to your blog within the admin area.
  5. Sponsor some tweets and be an active stumbler to know what stumblers like.
  6. Use blog search from Google to find fresh blog posts and then leave comments.
  7. Write a guest post for a popular blog. You may not always get published, but when you do you observe a spike in Google analytics.
  8. Use Thesis for better optimization and plugins.
  9. Join relevant forums, add your blog address to your signature and start posting smartly.
  10. Join a social blog network like Blogengage.

Guest author SurajKV blogs at He writes about blogging tips, technology and gadgets. He is basically a music addict and a calm person by nature. Find him on Facebook and Twitter.