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Join WordPress Theme Review Team

Join WordPress Theme Review Team and review free WordPress Themes in the official WordPress themes directory. WordPress offers a unique opportunity for thousands of WordPress theme designers to share their WordPress designs with the WordPress community.

Everyday thousands of free WordPress themes are downloaded and now you can help them review these themes. Justin Tadlock invites new theme reviewers, to give back to the community and become a better WordPress theme developer in the process. They also encourage major theme companies and big-time theme developers to join in.

WordPress Theme Review Team

This will give you insights of how mailing lists, Trac, and other systems work and help you understand theme guidelines. Right now there are 12 theme reviewers busy with the job and they want more.

Initially you will need to attach your Theme review notes, and approval status, after which a Theme Reviewer will review your comments, and resolve/close the ticket. If you get really good at it, you can be promoted to the “Reviewers” group, and assign and close tickets yourself!

We also design wordpress themes, and have updated theme versions in review for some time, and they now take longer than earlier. I understand they must be getting a lot of  theme submissions and updates everyday, and if volunteers do the job, then they must really be overworked. Over the years, WordPress theme directory has put in some excellent automated theme checks and enhanced trac functionality.

I did not know it was possible for WordPress designers to join the review team, and this presents a unique opportunity. Here are the instructions on How to Join WordPress Theme review Team. We also plan to join in soon.