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How to Apply for Google+ Brand, Business Profiles

As Google+ craze spreads across the web, how can you apply for a Google+ Business Profile or Brand profile page? Google+ which is still in closed phase and keeps opening Google+ invites off and on to let users in, has created a Google+ Entity Profile Application wherein Businessess and brands can apply to get in.

Google+ brand profile application

Google+ is allowing limited number of businesses to try Google+ in this small experiment. It is noted that filling out this form does not guarantee you a spot in the program and that the test profiles will be retired after launch of the Google+ business product.

Adage reports that Google+ Business profiles are coming in 2 weeks and big brands like Ford, MTV and Mashable are likely to be first to create company pages. Meanwhile Google+ continues to delete non-user profiles and will delete all private profiles after 31 July 2011.

Update: The earlier form capacity if full. Try the new form.