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Download Mac OS X Lion

Mac users can download Mac OS X Lion from the Mac App Store for $29.99 and upgrade Mac OS X Snow Leopard version to the latest version which is the eighth major release of the world’s most advanced operating system. Mac OS X Lion Server requires Lion and buy at Mac App Store for $49.99.

Mac OSX Lion

Download Mac OS X Lion

Mac OS X Lion  has 250 new features like new Multi-Touch gestures, full screen apps, Mission Control to view  everything running on your Mac, Mac App Store, Launchpad for all your apps; and a new Mail app. The download file size is 4GB (which is huge and is sure to finish your paid internet data bandwidth), but it is actually  similar to the size of an HD movie from the iTunes Store.

If you have a slow internet connection or limited data limit, then you can download Lion at Apple retail stores. If you can wait longer then Apple promises you can download Lion from a Lion USB thumb drive which will sell at  Apple Stores for $69.

Mac OS X Lion  Upgrade – The system requirements for upgrading to Mac OS X Lion is an Intel-based Mac with a Core 2 Duo, i3, i5, i7 or Xeon processor and 2GB of RAM. If you have Snow Leopard, click the Apple icon and choose Software Update to install Snow Leopard v10.6.8, the latest version.

Download Mac OS X Lion from iTunes Mac App Store for $29.99

Download Mac OS X Lion Server from iTunes Mac App Store for $49.99

Free Download Mac OS X Lion

If you  purchased a qualifying new Mac computer from Apple Authorized Reseller on or after June 6, 2011, you might elligible for a  free Lion upgrade. Such Mac buyers can request their Up-to-Date upgrade within 30 days of purchase of their Mac computer. Which means  that Mac customers who bought their Mac between June 6, 2011 and July 20, 2011 will have until August 19, 2011 to make a request. So hurry and download Lion Free!

Still wondering if you need Lion? Check this Mac OS X Lion demo below