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Track Your Site Share Price on Empire Avenue Social Stock Market

What is your website share price? We are getting addicted to Empire Avenue social stock market after we joined a few days back. Its interesting the way your blog or site can get listed in this social stock market, and stock market players can buy your site shares, interact with you and influence your blog share price.

Empire Avenue Social Stock Market

We joined a few days back and the addiction is really wasting a lot of our blogging time. We listed QOT as a business profile, chose a short stock market ticker symbol (grab yours before it is gone) and connected our Twitter and Facebook page accounts (it will take 7 days for EA to get the full statistics). Visit QOT on Empire Avenue and buy some shares to become a QOT shareholder.

emipireavenue stock price

In hours after listing we got many shareholders. You can also link your Youtube, LinkedIn and Flickr accounts. Add your blog feed, a branded logo and see your stock value rise as you earn dividends, buy luxury items, gain recommendation, feed endorsements,  and send shout outs to familiar friends in your social networks. It is particularly motivating as badges are unlocked.

emipire avenue badges

Alternatively you can create a personal profile and list yourself in the social stock market and get your friends to invest in you and see your net worth rise. See your profile rising on the stock market leaderboards as you become a stock market expert. They also have achievement badges which get unlocked to enhance your profile and these rewards draw you further into the game. List yourself or your website and blog and join the fun.

Check out this video introduction to Empire Avenue