Google Adsense Enlarges First Ad for More Clicks

Google Adsense is enlarging text of the first ad in all ad unit sizes to increase visibility to get more clicks. This test is visible as we browse around websites, most Adsense ads show the first ad text slightly enlarged. Usually Adsense publishers can choose the ad text size, but this time the first ad text is being automatically enlarged in all ad units.

See the ad units below and see the first ad is enlarged in all the ad units.

Adsense ads

Adsense ads

Adsense ads

What are your thoughts on this. Well  it will surely get more clicks.

Adsense keeps testing ad variations off an on for better Adsense optimization.  Check out some cool ad variations they tested before – link hover backgrounds,  twitter ad units,  2×2 ads, favicons, no titles,  favicons, checkout icons,  titles in italicsmultiple languagesno Ads by Google and interactive keywords.

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About the Author: P Chandra is editor of QOT, one of India's earliest tech bloggers since 2004. A tech enthusiast with expertise in coding, WordPress, web tools, SEO and DIY hacks.