Want to buy cheap, and heavily discounted Kindle books? Amazon Kindle Daily Deals offers a new Kindle book everyday with a deep discount for Kindle readers.
Where will the Kindle Daily Deal be posted?
Visit Kindle Daily Deal page where you can find the Kindle book deal for the day. Hurry as it wont last long.
When is the Kindle Book updated?
New Kindle book deals with huge discounts will go live at approximately 12:00 A.M. Pacific time
How long does the Book deal run?
The Kindle book will be available for discounted prices only for 24 hours.
How can you be informed about the new deals?
You can follow the Kindle Daily Deal, which will be posted daily on Twitter
If you like this deal, you may also want to check out the daily Goldbox Deals, which features the best deals on Amazon on a huge range of products, but one a day.