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Buy Facebook Phones with Dedicated Facebook Buttons [Videos]

Does your smartphone have a Facebook button? Now modern mobile Facebook phones are featuring Facebook buttons which connect and integrate your Facebook account in one touch.

htc phone facebook button

Facebook Phones with Facebook Buttons

HTC ChaCha and HTC Salsa mobile smartphones feature a Facebook button that lets you share all your stuff with your Facebook friends with just one touch. If you snap a photo or record a video, it can be posted on Facebook in one button click.

HTC ChaCha comes loaded with Facebook widgets like a clock with a Facebook stream of updates as a ticker, or the Calendar widget which remembers your friends’ birthdays and events. Follow your favorite friends with the Friend Stream widget. The Facebook button even glows nudging you to share!

Vodafone has also been quick to launch the Vodafone 555 Blue mobile which also features a dedicated Facebook button. It will let you access your Facebook account in one click with no need for Facebook apps or login procedure everytime. Update your status, check your news feed and messages and get a new Facebook experience.

Does your phone have a Facebook button?

Update: Facebook Home is launched and it promises to be much bigger than just dedicated Facebook buttons.
