Google search results have recently started displaying new sitelinks format with descriptions and urls for popular sites which finally promises to convert to traffic for being the first search result.
Earlier the sitelinks used to be only few text links to main navigation or popular pages, but now if you search get a popular site in the first result, the search results with new sitelinks almost fill up the whole screen! This really makes sitelinks worthwhile as people will actually click through your deeper pages.
This is how our site search sitelinks look like in Opera browser
But as I searched yesterday in Chrome browser, the new sitelinks appeared for very popular sites like Elance, BBC, Air India etc. But right now the new sitelinks are appearing for our site also!
Note that now there are 12 sitelinks instead of the usual 8. The new sitelinks also fill the whole screen so your website sitelinks are all above the fold and have a greater chance of getting clicked. The 2-6 search results are pushed down so much, that in effect your site is getting visibility of first 7 search results. This further gives importance to being the first result for your site name.
We are nowhere as popular as Elance or BBC, but if we are getting the new sitelinks, your site should be getting them too. This is an important development and are you seeing the new sitelinks for your site in Chrome?