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Preview New Windows 8 Features [Videos]

Windows 8 is under active development, and now preview cool Windows 8 features like Copy-Paste and USB 3.0 support for superfast data transfer speeds.

Windows 8 Copy Paste

Windows 8 will present all pending copy jobs in this single dialog, instead of multiple floating pop ups. Now you can also pause, resume, and stop each copy operation in progress and get contol over which copy jobs to complete first. Also note each copy job in progress shows the speed of data transfer, the transfer rate trend, and how much data in left to transfer in a neat chart for a great visual assessment.

Also when 2 files have a similar file name, now Windows 8 has a new approach to conflict resolution. All source files are on the left and target location files on right in one single dialog screen and you can choose which file to keep in one extended screen.

Windows 8 USB 3.0 Support

Microsoft foresees that by 2015, all new PCs will offer USB 3.0 ports. USB 3.0 will be 10 times faster than USB 2.0 with improved power management that results in longer battery life. Transferring your heavy HD movies will be much faster and will save much time. See how Windows 8 plans to incorporate USB 3.0
