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Stumble What Your Really Like with StumbleUpon Explore Box

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The new StumbleUpon Explore Box now lets you visit web pages targeted to your search terms. Earlier Stumbleupon let users choose selected categories representing their browsing interests and display websites based on those choices, but what if you wanted to get laser targeted stumbles based on your search terms. Stumbleupon Explore Box allows you to do just that –  browse stumbles by search terms of your choice.

StumbleUpon Explore Box

stumbleupon explore

The StumbleUpon Explore Box is currently live in beta here

Check it out and explore Stumbleupon like never before. It effectively turns SU into  search engine of targeted pages. In fact now you can also directly link to your Stumbleupon search results like

Now this really makes Stumbleupon more interesting and I am sure SU users will really like the new feature. Watch this video for an introduction to Stumbleupon Explore.

Discover the best of the web with Stumbleupon!