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Most Viewed Youtube Videos 2011 By Category [Videos]

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Youtube has compiled a list of the most watched videosof 2011 and also chosen the top viewed videos in 2011 divided by category like music labels, news videos, how to videos, fashion videos, sports videos, tech videos etc.

So sit back and enjoy the most watched video of the year. We have embedded the top videos by category. Some of these you might have already seen, and some may seem a complete surprise. Enjoy.

Most Viewed Youtube Videos 2011

Most viewed YouTube videos globally (excluding videos from major music labels) – Rebecca Black – Friday (Official video)

Most watched videos from major music labels globally
Jennifer Lopez – On The Floor ft. Pitbull

Most-viewed News Video
Japan Earthquake: Helicopter aerial view video of giant tsunami waves

Most watched Fashion Video and How-to Video
25 Ways to Wear a Scarf in 4.5 Minutes!

Most-watched Science / Technology Video
iPhone 5 Concept Features

Most-watched Movie Trailer

Most-watched Sports Video
Mountain Biker gets taken out by Buck

Most Viewed Gaming Video
Assassin’s Creed: Revelations – Gameplay Demo (E3 2011)

Most Viewed Travel Video
Mieders Alpine Coaster (with no brakes!!)

Most Viewed Science Video
What does it feel like to fly over planet Earth?

Most Viewed Wedding Proposal Video
Greatest Marriage Proposal EVER!!!

Which is your favorite video?
