Now Brands can activate Facebook Pages Timeline and get the new Facebook design for their Facebook brand pages. Facebook Timeline was introduced sometime back and will become the default design on all Facebook profiles.
Facebook page admins will notice a new alert on the Facebook pages when they login. We got that alert today on our admin page and set up our new page.
Facebook Pages Timeline
On March 30, 2012, Facebook plans to convert all Pages to the new design. Once you click on the Preview page, Admins can visualize how their Facebook pages Timeline will look like. You can start by uploading the correct Facebook cover photo size and then go on hide, highlight and fix content for public view. Here are more Facebook Timeline tips to get started.
When you are ready, click the publish button. Remember, you can preview and fix your Facebook pages timeline without publishing. Once done, the process is not reversible and you cannot go back to your old Facebook pages profile.
So since QOT was lucky to get an option to publish our Facebook page timeline, you can check our new Facebook Page with Timeline right now at Check it out. While you are around there, remember to ‘Like” the page, and our latest tips will appear in your news feed, a great way to participate with a great tech and webmaster community.
Suggest some good cover photo which you would like to see. Do remember to activate your Facebook page timeline now.