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How to Change Facebook Page Name

Want to change Facebook page name? Did you change your brand or misspell the name? I was trying to help a reader change their misspelled Facebook page name by mistake, and it was not so easy. Here is what we learned and will be helpful to you.

First I hope you have grabbed a Facebook username for your page at and activated the new Facebook Page Timeline.

facebook username

Join our Facebook page at Facebook clearly warns while setting your username that you will not be able to edit or transfer this username once you set it. Deleting and renaming back and forth to get your favorite Facebook vanity url is not an easy option here as  if you delete the page, its web address will no longer be available for use by others.

Remember it is a good idea your Facebook url and Facebook brand name match as it will give better brand visibility and hopefully also better for search engine rankings. But what if you now want to change Facebook page name now?

Change Facebook Page Name

Is it possible to change Facebook Name?
Yes. If your Facebook page has less than 100 Likes, then Facebook does allow Facebook Page admins to change the name of your page. Go to Edit Page > Basic Information > Name. If you can afford to loose your small community, you can also decide to delete Facebook pages and create new Facebook pages.

facebook  name

I have over 100 Likes, can I change the Facebook name.
Here is a secret tip. You can easily see who likes your page. Ask your close friends and associates to unlike your page. That might bring you below 100 Likes and allow you to change your Facebook page name.

How to contact Facebook to change name?
Here is a Facebook feedback form which allows Facebook page admins to request change of Facebook page name, only if your business name is misspelled or your business name is changed. I did not need to use the form, but I think it reasonable that they might ask admins for proof of business name before changing the Facebook page name.

facebook page name change