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Your Blog NEEDS an Awesome Logo

Your blog’s logo is one thing that your readers will never forget if you have a great one (or a really bad one). If done right, a logo can become a symbol that is universally recognizable and represents your blog to the world. A blog can either just be a content source, or it can become a brand; a content source is boring, but a brand is exciting. Having an awesome logo is pivotal to building a brand, but how does one build an “awesome” logo? Follow a few simple guidelines and you’ll end up with a cool brand – not just another blog.

Keep It Simple

techcrunch-logoYour logo doesn’t need to be an elaborate family crest-type image (unless your website is about your family of course). It’s easy to get over-excited in Photoshop and continually add effects, but don’t fall into this trap. TechCrunch is a great example of this. Their logo is nothing more than two letters, and if seen completely out of context you would still know what it was – the power of simple.

Be Bold

blogger-logoTo make an impression on your readers’ eyes, your logo must pop. There a lot of ways to pull this off; bright colors, sharp edges, or strange shapes, but the end result will be a logo that really grabs attention. Think about the Blogger logo, odds are you remember it (even before you saw it on the screen). This is another example of a simple logo, but it’s also a strong one. Be bold, get remembered.

Get The Colors Right

wordpress-logoThis is a matter of aesthetic life and death. Contrasting colors or a cool-looking scheme can really make your logo stand out from the crowd. WordPress does a great job with this one. Their blue and white color scheme really gives off a cool look. Have great colors – attract readers.

Make it Fun

kissmetrics-logoA blog isn’t a super staunch platform, so why should its logo be overly serious? Be a bit quirky, off-the-wall, or original. Sometimes it just takes a little extra touch of quirkiness to get remembered. The Kissmetrics blog is spot-on in this aspect; their logo is showing data bars (arguably the most boring thing on earth) and yet because of the lightheartedness of the logo (pun intended) the blog is fun.

Make it Yours

Your blog is only as good as the effort you put into it, and the logo will reflect that. Don’t go and pay a designer to make a logo and then leave him to do what he wants. Be a part of the logo design and make sure that it reflects the blog’s personality and theme. This will make your design look clean and flow well instead of looking gaudy and cold.

But What If I’m not a Designer?

Not having the skills or tools to design your own logo can be a major setback (especially if you are just starting out and have no cash). Additionally, if you want to hit all the points of a good logo you probably have a specific design in mind and need someone to work through the logo-building process with you without charging an enormous fee.

The best and cheapest way to build a logo is to ask around among your connections – you’d be surprised at how talented some of them are. Everyone wants exposure, so odds are that a friend will be willing to help you build a logo in return for recognition on your blog. Also, since you are already in contact with that person you can work together to build the logo and end up with a result that’s awesome.

Redesign? Or Just Integrate A New Logo?

Has anyone told you they like the design of your blog? Ask for honest feedback, if the overwhelming response is that you’ve got a good thing going don’t change your theme – build your logo to integrate into what you’ve got. If, on the other hand, people think your blog’s theme is boring then, by all means, rebuild your scheme.

You want your logo to fit in well with the colors on your blog, and if that requires you to change the design, then do it. If you are using a platform like WordPress or Joomla, there are lots of themes available for free. Find one that goes with your logo and build it out.

A Logo Will Give You An Edge

One thing that sets a great blog apart from an average one is the ability to appear visually pleasing while still delivering awesome content. With the proliferation of blogging platforms like WordPress, it’s easier than ever to create and fill up a blog. If you want to get a little extra visual edge on your competition, a snazzy logo is a must-have piece. If you have had success branding your blog with a great logo, share in the comments below!

This article is written by guest author Josh, the editor of Entrepreneur Stories and an entrepreneur. Josh is a student, writer, and involved in the L.A. startup scene.