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See Live Traffic Status on Google Maps in India

Google maps updated their navigation maps in Indian cities to include live traffic data. On my last visit to US a few years back, I was really impressed by the way we drove along the highway and Google maps showed live traffic status, which enabled us to avoid heavy traffic and slow-moving traffic areas to choose alternative fast moving traffic routes. While I’ve been wondering over the last two years when Indian cities will get the live traffic maps, it just happened now…

Live traffic maps in India

Initially Google maps has introduced the live traffic data for major roads in 6 largest Indian cities – Bengaluru, Mumbai, New Delhi, Chennai, Pune and Hyderabad. Major roads show three colour-coded traffic status – red for significant congestion, yellow for minor slow-downs, and green for free-flowing traffic. The data is updated in real time every few minutes.

live traffic india

First you need to enable the traffic data by checking on it on the top right-hand corner on Google maps, and the options in your mobile device to show traffic. Based on historical data, you can also use Google maps to see the traffic conditions on major roads at any particular time or day in the city, so you can plan your road trip accordingly.

Google maps live traffic

Smart phones powered by Android 2.2 or later can download Google maps app and try the Google Maps Navigation (Beta) features. The live traffic information is freely available on both the mobile and desktop versions of Google Maps as well. View the videos for more information.
