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Google Tests New Adsense Link Units With Arrows

Google Adsense is testing new link units with arrows besides the links. Adsense link units are an amazing way to add ad link to your site, and when the users clicks on them, they are directed to a set of contextual ads, clicking on which earns money for Adsense publishers.

New Adsense Link Units

Here are the new Ad link units I spotted on several websites

adsense adlinks

adsense adlinks

The arrows have an advantage that they draw attention towards the links, so will definitely get higher CTR (the money actually comes when the user clicks the contextual ads following these links). Its good that they have the same color as the links, as it looks better. But what I would really like is that the underline should not go beneath the arrows (but maybe that is to prevent everyone from blending ads too well).

Google would want higher clicks on these ads, as it does not inflate advertiser bills. In fact Google permits publishers to click on these links, but not on the links of the resultant page which actually contains the ads.

For people implementing these ad units on your site, remember that you cannot add links besides them with such similar design such that it confuses users if they are site navigation links or ads, and result in accidental clicks which violate Google Adsense policies.

What are your thoughts on these new Ad link ads? Do you think this is a better ad design?
