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Auction Open for Coffee Meeting with Tim Cook, Apple CEO

  • Apple

How much can you pay to win an auction for a coffee meeting with Tim Cook, Apple CEO. Well it seems what started as an already huge estimated bid of $50,000 has already invited bids of $175,000 and the active auction is still open for 19 more days!

Meet Tim Cook

Well this is a charity auction run by Charity Buzz where Tim Cook will donate the proceeds to The RFK Center for Justice and Human Rights. Celebrity auctions often do generate enormous bids and gives lot of credibility to the auction sites.

Coffee with Apple CEO

The fine print of the terms include that the winner deal is valid for 2 people, who can have a coffee meeting for 30min-1 hour with Apple CEO Tim Cook at Apple Headquarters in Cupertino, California at a mutually agreeable date. The deal cannot be resold or re-auctioned and does not include travel and accommodation.

What do you think will be the final winning bid in this auction? Why would people pay so much for this meeting?

Update: Well the auction did close successfully when an anonymous bidder paid $610,000