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How to Check Reading Level of Your Website

Google classifies content on websites by Reading level. What is the reading level of your site content? Did you know Google uses a sophisticated algorithm to classify content into 3 categories called  – Basic, Intermediate and Advanced.

I checked the reading level of content on our site and found this

reading levels

Reading Level Use

This is a feature which is useful for people searching for the complexity of content. For example, a new student learning a subject might want to filter Google search results by basic content, while those looking for more advanced techniques might want  a more complex search result with Advanced tips. This video shows a nice summary of why Reading level is an important search parameter.

Find Reading Level

How to find the reading level of your website? Go to, click on the settings gear on the top right, then choose Advanced Search. Then choose the options to narrow search results. Add your domain name and then in Reading level, choose to “annotate results with reading level“.

reading options

We checked it out for some popular websites and a search for shows more basic content.

reddit reading level

While a site like Stackoverflow shows more intermediate and advanced tips.

stackoverflow reading level

How difficult and complex is your content to read?  How advanced are your blogging tips? Does Google search give a good idea of your websites reading level? Find out today and share a comment.