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How to Find Malware Links From Your Site

Do you know you could be linking to malware sites from your website! Its possible a link you posted in an article year’s back is now a malware hosting site. Its also possible that of those thousands of spam comments which sneak in and get posted, some of them link back to malware sites. Its not about nofollow, its about your site linking out to potential malware links and is bad for your site SEO.

Find Malware Links

I was testing the WordFence Security plugin today to further secure WordPress and found this cool feature which you might like.

When you initiate a security scan, it does lots of tests, but the one I particularly like was that it compares all your links in articles/comments with the Google Safe Browsing Diagnostic pages (see our site example) of these sites (which they call Google’s list of malware sites) and informs you if you link out to them.

wordfence scan

I found our site was linking out to several malware urls and this plugin was able to detect it in comments, articles and even the Quickcache cache files! We simply deleted these links.

malware comments

Indeed these sites showed a bad malware hosting activity on the safe diagnostic pages

safe diagnostic page

Its not possible for any webmaster to compare thousands of urls on your site with the Google safe browsing databases, and this is where this plugin comes as useful. Of course there are many more amazing WordPress security tricks this plugin does, and I am still exploring them now.