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First Public Test Drive of Google Self-Driving Cars [Video]

Google allowed volunteers to join the first public test drive of the Google Self-Driving Car! This mini car is for real and is now testing outside Google labs in Mountain View, California, USA. If you live nearby, you might get lucky being the first few to try out how the future cars might look like.

Google Self-Driving Cars

self driving car

It is a 2 seater vehicle with seat belts. Don’t be surprised as there is no steering wheel in these cars. In fact there is no brake or accelerator pedal if you decide to use it. There are start / stop buttons, a location map on screen and that is it. The smart sensors and on-board computers drive the car.

So how fast will it go? They have blocked the speed at 25mph as of now. This video showcases the new look of the Google Self-Driving Cars.

Amazing technology of the future is being developed at Google and it may not be too far when it goes into commercial production.

If you need more information about these self driving cars, see the Safety tester at work driving these cars and explaining the technology behind it.
