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How to Track Adjusted Bounce Rate in Universal Google Analytics

How can you track adjusted bounce rate in the new Universal Analytics by Google Analytics. ABR is short for adjusted bounce rate and is a recommended solution by Google to track the actual time visitors stay on your page, and is particularly useful if you have a type of site where visitors do spend the time reading or interacting with your page, but bounce after that. So for such sites, ABR is a more useful parameter than simple bounce rate.

Adjusted Bounce Rate

Earlier Google has suggested that users may add a modified code to Google analytics and easily track adjusted bounce rate. But after upgrading to Universal analytics, the same analytics code modification will not work. So what code change is needed? We tried this new code and here is how our adjusted rate looks like now

adjusted bounce rate

The new universal analytics code typically looks like this.

(i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),
ga('create', 'UA-123456-1', 'auto');
ga('send', 'pageview');

You need to add the following line before the script closing tags

setTimeout("ga('send','event','adjusted bounce rate','page visit 15 seconds or more')",15000);

Once you do that, the bounce rate will change. This code suggests that you are tracking visitors who stay for more than 15 seconds on your site before exiting. By changing the value of 15000 to higher, you can get visitors who stay longer on your site.

Low bounce rate is an important parameter used by search engine algorithms like Panda for tracking sites with good content. But what if you have a one page site with lots of interactive content? The adjusted bounce rate might be a better analytics parameter for you.