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Moleskine Smart Notebook Converts Sketches to Vector Files in Adobe Creative Cloud

The new Moleskine Smart Notebook takes paper drawings to the next level as it digitizes sketches to Vector files editable in Adobe Creative Cloud!   Moleskine is well known for its popular notebooks, but this Smart Notebook combines the power of the mobile companion App, which is Creative Cloud connected and which will convert the a mobile snapshot of your hand drawing in this notebook into fully workable vector files.

But will it not work for any drawing on any paper? The Moleskine smart notebook has special page marks, this helps the mobile app software to correctly process the image, save as jpg image, and then convert to svg file. Then it syncs this file with the Adobe Creative Cloud (needs membership), and then is accessible to be edited by Adobe Photoshop CC or Adobe Illustrator CC on the go.

moleskine smart notebook

Designers keep sketching on their notebooks anyway, but this will help enhance their skill and will help them get digitized images on the go, anywhere and speed up the process from designing to computer image editing faster.

The Moleskine Smart notebook is now available for preorder for $32.95 and is expected to start shipping at end of December. It is hard cover with custom Adobe design, and a red bookmark ribbon. The app needs to be downloaded from the Apple App store.

See it in action in this video