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How To Get Visitors From Document Sharing Websites

  • SEO

I have been experimenting with document sharing sites to drive traffic to my site and I am happy to say that the results were satisfactory.  Here is what you need to do if you want to drive traffic from document sharing sites.

1. Equipment

I use Open Office Suite to convert my documents to pdf. It’s got word processing and it is free. You can download it at

Open Office works on Windows, Mac and Linux. However if you use MSword, you can convert your document to pdf using

2. Content

Your document should be not just worth viewing, but worthwhile for readers to tell a friend about. Think about a question people often ask you. A question for which people wouldn’t expect a free answer (related to your business).

  1. What is the one question you keep getting mails about?
  2. What are people asking about in forums?
  3. What kind of comments are people leaving in your blog?

Take time to brainstorm and write something juicy.

3. Sharing

You’ve got a document filled with great content. It is time to submit it to different document directories. Here is the list of directories I submit my documents to. | | | |

Out of the above 5 sites, and can send you hundreds of visitors to your site if you really have great content. While creating a profile in these sites, make sure to include your website url and if possible, your email id too. Most importantly, include your website url at the footer of every page in the document. Also encourage the readers to visit your website to get more information on the topic.

If you are trying to build your list, you can include an offer at the end of the document leading to your squeeze page. You can also

  1. Tell your subscribers about the document and ask for help sharing it.
  2. Ask your favorite expert what they feel about the document and encourage him/her to share it with her subscribers.
  3. Tweet it.
  4. Update the status of your Facebook with the link.

This article is written by guest author Indu Priya, an online marketer from She is a traffic expert and offers traffic building services to small business owners. She blogs about traffic building, SEO and Internet marketing. You can also submit guest posts and share your site traffic tips.