How many online advertising acronyms do you know? Online advertising is growing faster than any other marketing channel, and as such it affects most industries and segments.
This means that you should be familiar with its ins and outs, even if your work is not directly related to the web. Below you’ll find 10 very common acronyms you should know.
1. What is UV
Stands for “unique visitors,” and it refers to total number of people who visited a website during a specific time frame (e.g., day, week, month or year). The word “unique” is used because a single person can return to the website several times, thus generating many “visits.”
2. What is PV
Stands for “page views,” and it refers to the total number of pages viewed on a website, during a specific period of time. The PV number will always be greated than the UV one, because a single visitor usually visits two or more pages on the website.
3. What is CPC
Stands for “cost per click,” and it refers to an advertising model where the website owner (also called publisher) will earn a certain amount of money for each click that is generate on the ads on his website. The advertiser, on the other hand, specifies how much he is willing to pay per click (hence why this model can also be called PPC). The largest CPC/PPC ad network on the Internet is the Google AdSense/AdWords one, and most of the ads here use a text form.
4. What is CPM
Stands for “cost per mile,” where mile is the Latin word for thousand. It refers to an advetising model where the website owner will earn a certain amount of money for each 1,000 page views (also called impressions) the banner will get on his website. Banner ads are usually priced under a CPM model.
5. What is PPV
Stands for “pay per view,” and it refers to an advertising model where the advertiser will display his message via pop-ups, pop-unders and intertitial ads (e.g., full page adverts between the page you currently you are currently on and the one you clicked to go). This model can also be called CPV, which stands for cost per view).
6. What is CPA
Stands for “cost per action”, and it refers to an affiliate marketing model where the merchant will pay a certain commission to the affiliate whenever a referral from the affiliate performs a specific action (e.g., completes a survey, subscribes to an email newsletter and so on).
7. What is CPS
Stands for “cost per sale,” and it refers to an affiliate marketing model where the merchant will pay a certain commission to the affiliate whenever a referral from the affiliate purchases the product.
8. What is CPL
Stands for “cost per lead,” and it refers to an affiliate marketing model where the merchant will pay a certain commissions to the affiliate whenever the affiliate sends a lead (also called prospect) to the merchant’s website.
9. What is CTR
Stands for “click through rate,” and it refers to the percentage of people visiting a website who will click on a link or ad. You can find the CTR by dividing the number of clicks the link or ad received by the number of times it was displayed (e.g., the number of page views).
10. What is CR
Stands for “conversion rate,” and it refers to the percentage of visitors of a certain web page who will perform a desired action (e.g., purchase a product, subscribe to an email newsletter and so on).
Guest author Daniel Scocco started building blogs and websites back in 2005. His latest project is called, which is a free tutorial for those who want to start their own websites. Read our guest blogging guidelines.